Tell us about yourself:
My family and I are longtime residents of Wake Forest. I enjoy reading, crocheting, knitting and all sorts of crafting. I am an avid walker both outdoors and indoors but wanted to add to and mix up my exercise routine to become more flexible and strong.
Tell us about your yoga journey:
My good friend/neighbor and I wanted to try taking a yoga class. I had never taken an official yoga class before so we thought it would be fun and enlightening to go on this journey together. She found Piper Moon and signed us up for a beginner class. I was so excited to discover the studio was close to home and I was impressed by the variety of classes and times.
What has yoga done for you? What benefits have you seen?
That first class had me hooked! As we walked into the studio, Kim was there to greet us with the biggest smile and peaceful and welcoming presence. I felt perfectly at ease and so excited to discover I could actually do it! I walked out of that first class and my friend and I couldn’t stop talking about what a great and beneficial experience it was. I got home and signed up for more classes right away. Practicing yoga has significantly helped with my flexibility and strength. It has brought me so much happiness and I’ve met such wonderful people who enrich my day. Not only has yoga improved my physical health, it has proven to be a wonderful mental boost as well. I feel such peace while practicing yoga and that feeling carries on when I leave the studio and go about my day.
What’s your favorite pose?
I really enjoy trying all the poses we do during the different classes. I love to challenge myself to see what my body allows me to do during that session and to see how much I can improve with practice. I don’t really have a favorite pose, but I do enjoy any core poses and love the challenge of the plank pose and the boat pose. I find the balancing poses a challenge some days, but I always keep trying and have seen real improvement in my balance.
The yoga instructors are always encouraging and give alternatives if a pose proves to be too much for me that day. Thank you to all the yoga instructors at Piper Moon for your patience, kindness and encouragement! Thanks especially to Kim who has always been a bright beacon, and such a wonderful example of what yoga can do in your life.