Tell us about yourself:
Paige works for Target corporate in a WFH position, while D.J. works full-time as a wedding / events DJ (yes it’s D.J. the DJ). We have lived in Franklinton for a little over 2 years now with our furbaby Nox, who is a Maltese-poodle mix. We are coming up on our 1-year wedding anniversary and 1.5 years being members at Piper Moon Yoga.
Tell us about your yoga journey:
One day we were sitting around talking about how we needed to find more hobbies, so we agreed to try out yoga together. Paige had prior experience with yoga in college, while D.J. had never done yoga before (unless you count that one mission in GTA). We did a quick Google search of yoga studios in the area and found Kim and Tom at Piper Moon only a few minutes from our house. After our first class with Kim, we were sold! We progressed from one night a week to becoming monthly unlimited members. After a year and a half of doing yoga, we really enjoy Kim’s “Relax & Recharge” and her “Hatha Yoga”, although you may see us trying out new classes every now and then!
What has yoga done for you? What benefits have you seen?:
We both had some knee and back pain that would cause dull pain, especially D.J. after spending hours in a car traveling for work. Within the first 4-6 months of going every week to yoga, those dull pains were gone completely. We didn’t realize how much we should be stretching on a daily basis to keep our bodies healthy and happy. This has also helped us strengthen all of the muscles in the body and increase balance, range of motion, and flexibility. D.J. recently separated his shoulder in a hockey accident, and yoga has been a huge benefit in recovering and retaining full range of motion in that shoulder.
What’s your favorite pose?:
D.J.’s favorite pose for stretching has to be Triangle Pose, while favorite balancing pose is Dancing Shiva. Paige’s favorite pose is Warrior Two because of the strength she feels while doing the pose, but also really enjoys Cat & Cow for the deep stretch.
Anything else you’d like to share?:
We really enjoy the vibe of Piper Moon Yoga – there is a very open and welcoming atmosphere as soon as you walk in the door. Kim’s greetings are something to look forward to in your day. We greatly appreciate what she has done to keep us healthy and happy!
DJ & Paige